Wednesday 21 December 2016

Aleppo : Picasso's masterpiece in 21st Century

On 26 April 1937, during the Spain Civil War, Guernica, a town in Biscay province in Spain, was bombed by Nazi German and Fascist Italian warplanes at the request of the Spanish Nationalists.
It included the intentional targeting of civilians by air forces. More than 1,654 people were killed at the time.

Guernica by Picasso. | Oil on canvas. | 137.4 in × 305.5 in | Madrid, Spain 1937
In response to that genocide, Pablo Picasso painted one of his masterpiece and one of the most powerful anti-war paintings called Guernica. 
Guernica demonstrates the tragedies of war and the torment it causes upon people, especially innocent civilians.

Much the same as Guernica there is one more city experiencing something similar today. The city had a population of over 2.5 million back in 2011. In 2012 a civil war started when a large number of rebels began challenging the rightist government. The violence reached its climax in 2016 when the government was backed by a few other countries. The overwhelming airstrikes by military resulted in migrations of more than 10 thousand residents. In December 2016, the cruel forces conquered the city and vanquished the Rebels but everything was devastated. Thousands of innocent people including children and women were brutally killed.

On 12 December 2016, after conquering the city of Aleppo, the military began executing innocent civilians fiercely. More than 82 on spot executions, including women and children, were reported by international media.

Aleppo, Syria's second-largest metropolis, has turned into another Guernica. Since September 2016 Russia and Syria, at the request of Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad, started nocturnal air strikes on Rebel-held parts of Aleppo. By December 2016, the strikes became intense. The Russian and Syrian military crossed all the limits of human rights violation and war crimes. Thousands of innocent people including children and women were massacred. They did something called "double tap" attacks which targeted the rescue workers and first responders at the location of bombing. Even hospitals were not spared. There is nothing left in the city except debris and dead bodies. At this moment, the magnitude of loss and fatalities is obscure.

Aleppo | Courtesy:

Between 2011 and 2016 the number of deaths in Syrian war is estimated around 470,000.

I have always wondered that what it would be like to see something like holocaust or Guernica in 21st century. How people would react and stop it? How they won't let it happen again because now the world is a "better place". Now that it just happened, I don't know how to react!

World Response

What will happen next is that the cataclysm will be seen in most of the art forms. Someone will make one more painting, much the same as Guernica. People will esteem and value it and shed some fake tears. Movies and documentaries will be made on it. The artworks will be appreciated by the entire world simply like 1937 Guernica.

Monday 12 December 2016

Police Officer VS K.U Vice-Chancellor’s Car.

I have nothing to state against the cop. Without a doubt, he was doing his duty. But what I am wondering is that what number of news reports originate from these news channels/Portals when Armed forces slaughter/murder and beat innocent people. Why is this car issue suddenly a thing? 
I welcome the bravery of this cop yet who knows whether he will continue as before without fail or was it just this time? Whether he is different or like most of the armed forces in Kashmir, Is he likewise experiencing the same pomposity of brutal colonial mindset.
One more thing. It is the responsibility of the same media columnists/channels/portals to update people with follow-ups, else this kind of reporting is good for nothing. 
Media should act as a Watchdog. But my experience tells me that in India and Kashmir, most of the times the "WATCH" part is missing.

#media #kashmir #KU #jkpolice 

Ubaid Aziz

Saturday 1 October 2016

My first DSLR "short film".

I was in the second year of by graduation when I decided to make a short film. At that time I was a Physics student so I had no knowledge of film making. I did some internet research, borrowed a DSLR from one of my teachers, asked my cousins to act and that's the way it happened.
It is called Crackers( fire crackers). verytime I watch it, it makes me smile. :)

Crackers | Based on Kashmir | A Short Film

Sunday 14 August 2016

What running away from memories is like!

Sometimes past haunts us so gravely that it ruins our present and future. All we want is to escape from it but it keeps chasing us. Memories are a part of us. They will remain within us until the end.

My professor gave us an assignment to make a small chase sequence. I tried to incorporate the idea of  chasing away from memories in it. I have used the red color which was inspired by The Schindler's List. The chase is physical as well as psychological. This film also throws some light on the idea of getting entrapped in a pattern. We often find ourselves trapped in a loop where we are continually attempting to overlook something or somebody from the past. We try so hard  however we never discover the loop hole.

Since it was a zero-budget student film and there was a time limitation so there might be glitches in it.

Here is the link:
The Eternal Chase | Short Film | Ubaid Aziz\

Ubaid Aziz

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Wake-Up Song

People say cellphones cannot take good quality videos. Maybe I can prove them wrong!

While travelling to New Delhi, seven times in a month, I clicked some pictures and videos with my cellphone. Yes, it's my bad habit. I keep capturing my surroundings all the time.
Finally, I decided to make something out of those videos. There is no proper narrative but I am sure you would like it. It is in Full HD and the picture quality is amazing. Enjoy!!